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Oregon Rules for Cardlock Accounts

With gasoline and diesel prices on the rise, many transportation-related businesses are looking for ways to cut costs.  Companies can lower fuel costs by using Pacific Pride or CFN cards at cardlock stations.   Our GP Energy Cardlock Fueling Program makes understanding Oregon rules for cardlock accounts easy and implementing a program for your fleet simple.

Oregon Rules for Cardlock AccountsWhy use the GP Energy Cardlock Fueling Program?

Pacific Pride and CFN networks are designed for commercial fleets.  They use a cost-plus pricing model instead of the full retail prices for most consumers.  The reason they can do this is because of their distribution model.  Cardlock stations make it easy and convenient for drivers to fuel up independently.  

This is a win-win for commercial fleet owners since this model provides many features beneficial to their companies:

  1. Access to fuel 24/7/365.  Drivers can fuel up whenever they want.
  2. Self-service.  In Oregon, gas stations can sell diesel as self-service throughout the state, but gasoline can only be self-service in designated areas.  However, Oregon does provide an exemption for certain cardlock commercial distributors, including Pacific Pride and CFN, to provide self-service of both diesel and gasoline throughout the state to qualified cardlock cardholders.
  3. Card controls.  To purchase fuel at any time without a service station employee’s assistance, cardlock customers access the fuel using a network card.  The GP Energy Cardlock Fueling Program provides flexibility for card portfolio managers to lock down their cards–from the maximum amount drivers can purchase to what times of day employees may use the cards.
  4. Faster fill-ups.  There are usually no lines since these stations are not open to the general public or non-cardlock members, making fueling up at high-speed diesel dispensers fast.

What are the Oregon rules for cardlock accounts?

Not every person or even business can get a cardlock account.  Since diesel can be sold as self serve throughout Oregon, the dispensing of diesel fuel is NOT regulated by these laws.  The Oregon rules for cardlock accounts have the following requirements for qualified businesses in regards to gasoline:

  • Purchasers must use the fuel for a business or commercial purpose.  Oregon accepts several types of proof, from certain tax returns to licensing documentation.
  • The business must show they have purchased at least 900 gallons of fuel in a 12-month period.
  • One representative of the business must successfully pass the Oregon Fire Marshall Safety Test.

You can find more specific information about Oregon’s cardlock program rules: in “Cardlock Operator Guidebook.”

Are you interested in obtaining a cardlock account for your business?

Our team can help you better understand how our GP Energy Cardlock Fueling Program will benefit your business.  We’ll walk you through each step, from planning to implementation.  And once you’re on the road to success, our personalized customer service team can answer any questions you encounter.  Contact us today to get started.

Author: H&S Energy Group